13 February 2009

On the Go!

Last Saturday was a day of walking and exploring the city again. Blue sky and happy people, so very nice! 150 street views I would love to share.... I´ve been busy day and nights this week but I´ll be right back with you!

09 February 2009

Every citizen IS a reporter

A threat or a source?
The modern form of "citizen journalism" goes way back but was a hot topic until the middle of the 21st century. Even though it´s a fact that everyone, armed with a mobile phone or a digital camera and happens to be in a "newsworthy" situation, has got huge power, this is still not fully approved by all journalists.

TV4:s (Sweden) initiative of using regular people for local reportages with mobile phones is not about replacing journalism (started in January). This is a smart way of using common people´s local knowledge. The quality and the objectiveness of stories and material is depending on the level of engagement from the people and a way of cooperating with the media.

”BBC hits all-time record high with 42,000 user submissions during heavy snow” This article is about the user generated content during the heavy snowfall in the UK last week. "It is not about citizen media content overwhelming the journalism" said Peter Horrocks, head of the BBC newsroom, explaining that user generated content is very much seen as a source, rather than a replacement for journalists gathering their own material.

The level of engagement and cooperation

Photos, microblogging, professional blogging or articles are different ways of contribute. In the above example from BBC News, peoples submissions were ”integrated into” journalists coverage.

One example of the power of citizen journalism is OhMyNews (South Korea, 2000). The founder Oh Yeon-ho says "our concept is every citizen can be a reporter." Around 200 stories are published every day with the help from around 30 000 registred citizen journalists. Editors who are working for OhMyNews are checking the relevans in the stories before publishing. Estimated number of visitors an average day is 2 million people.

Until recently every person got paid for their articles for OhMyNews, but now their reward system is changed. I don´t think this will change the good will of contribution. To share your photos, comments or stories from every corner of the world is a natural behaviour of people today (an unstoppable). The money is not always the most important thing but the importance of engagement and interest.

Related article about Citizen Journalism
”A new era for journalism”
(Former Globe editor and is the author of "Couch Potatoes Sprout: The Rise of Online Community Journalism")

06 February 2009

Tweet. Meet. Give - the 12th of February

Fundraising mashup - Twestivals 2009
Twitter or not Twitter? I read the post on RafRaf girls. One reason may be to contribute to the good cause of Charitywater.org. As a Twitter user you are welcome to join in and raise money together. Charitywater.org is about helping people, less fortuned, to bring fresh water in their lives. The first Twestival was held in London 2008 (the first 350 ticket were sold out in one hour that time). This time, the 12th of February, 175 cities around the world will host Twestivals. There are many ways to contribute if you are unable to join the festival event in your city. On twestival.fm, artists and musicians are donating their music for streaming between from feb 5th to 19th and you have the opportunity to leave a voluntary donation.

I think this is a good example of using a platform like Twitter for other reason than "just" micro blogging.

04 February 2009

Super Bowl!

....I must confess I´m not quite following the games, but the talk and the hype around the commercials is interesting.

In the toplists you find ads from Pepsi like the "Refresh Anthem" (TBWA/Chiat/Day), "Clydesdale Ancestry" one of Budweiser´s many ads, the "Free Doritos" which was made by amateurs for a contest (The Herbert brothers) so no ad agency for this one and this is also the most watched online according to USA Today AdMeter. Bud Light with "Conan O'Brien" (DDB, Chicago) for the Swedish market only..... is also in the top.

Anyway, this is my own favourites among the 50 ads:

1. Coca-Cola ”Heist”
Beautiful and sweet, I love the feeling of fairytales, not uniqe but it works for me.
(Wieden & Kennedy)

2. CareerBuilder.com "Tips"
I love the”falling down moments” and the ”koala punsh”, this is defenitely to cross the line of anger... (Wieden & Kennedy)

3. Budweiser ”Clydesdale Stick”
I simply like ads where animals is a part of the fun and behave like humans. I mean, the look in the eyes of the horse… great (DDB, Chicago).

Ok, I sort of like Bridgestone´s Taters (The Potatoe head family) as well. Stop being a backseat driver or else…. your lips will fall of! (Richards Group, Dallas)

03 February 2009

The Great Escape

...with Herbal Essences

Hypermedia has been working with a campaign to brand Herbal Essences (Procter & Gamble) and the work started 6 months ago. One part of the campaign The Great Escape has been released in western Europe. This week the viral movies is launched starring four charactars ("Sven", on the left side, is supposed to be the Swedish guy..) - "Play the ultimate hoax on your best friend" where you can choose the man of your friends life. Applications for Facebook is created for the campaign as well. During the autumn I mentioned I was attending a viral shooting for Herbal Essences and this was it.

Hypermedia was responsible for production, development and the creation of the virals.

Speaking of a Great Escape
.... today I had a special delivery from Sweden!

I sure like the "view" of my room mates, but sorry, nothing beats this one. Thank you Darling!